Falsifying Theories

Using the Scientific Method to Falsify Theories


Ask yourself, “What hidden assumptions do the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists make at the beginning of each of their scientific arguments or scientific proofs, every time they try to do science?”  A lot can be learned by choosing to study people’s hidden assumptions.

Ask yourself how these people convince themselves that the Theory of Evolution is true, because they successfully do so.

Ask yourself what logic fallacies these people use to verify and prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.

The Scientific Method as the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists typically use the Scientific Method is based upon the begging the question and the affirming the consequent logic fallacies.  These people rely upon these logic fallacies in order to make their case for the Theory of Evolution; therefore, if you are a real scientist, it’s extremely important to know what these logic fallacies are and how they work.

This is Philosophy of Science 101.

This topic is important to know about and understand.  Science is supposed to be all about falsifying and eliminating everything that is false.  Science is supposed to be about observation and experience.  Traditional science is not about these things.  Traditional science, based upon Materialism and Naturalism, is all about trying to trick us and deceive us into believing that science is Materialism and Naturalism.  It’s a hoax and a scam that millions of us have fallen for.

Begging the Question


Begging the question is the process of using your pre-chosen conclusion as your hidden assumption, major premise, or primary assumption in all of your scientific arguments, as evidence or proof that your pre-chosen conclusion is true.  These people literally start every science experiment with the pre-chosen conclusion that the Theory of Evolution is true; and then, these people use the Truthfulness of Evolution as their first primary assumption or major premise, as evidentiary proof that the Theory of Evolution is true.  It’s circular reasoning, another logic fallacy.  Their pre-chosen conclusion is used axiomatically as the hidden assumption or first premise in every scientific argument they make and every science experiment that they do.  That’s the way these people do science.  It’s posturing, smoke and mirrors, and deception.  It’s cheating.

Begging the question consists of making your conclusion one of the axiomatic premises, and effectively results in jumping to conclusions.  The Materialists and Darwinists do this all the time, without realizing it.

Affirming the Consequent


Let’s discuss how Science can go wrong.  We can’t use Science and the Scientific Methods to verify and know the Truth.  Scientific Methods cannot be used to produce Knowledge.

Due to the affirming the consequent logic fallacy, and the jumping to conclusions logic fallacy, and the category error logic fallacies which are built into the scientific methods, it is impossible to use Science and the Scientific Methods to know the truth and to prove the truth.

If your ultimate goal in life is to KNOW THE TRUTH and prove the truth, then Science and the Scientific Methods are in fact one of the worst ways for accomplishing that task.

This is how scientific verification works in practice.

The following logical argument outlines the basic approach that has been taken by traditional scientists throughout the history of science:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Theory X is true, then we will observe Y.

Scientific Observations:  We observe Y.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Theory X is true.

This sort of thinking, however, reflects a logical fallacy called affirming the consequent.  Here’s a comparable example to demonstrate:

We hypothesize:  If Sally’s pet is a cat, it will have a tail.

We observe:  Sally’s pet has a tail.

We conclude:  Therefore, Sally’s pet is a cat.

We can easily see that this logic is fallacious.  Just because we observe Y (a pet with a tail) that does not mean that our theory X (the pet is a cat) is true.  After all, dogs, lizards, birds, and mice have tails too.

Yet, this IS the scientific method, and this is exactly how traditional scientists use the scientific methods to demonstrate and prove the truth.  The whole enterprise is based upon a logic fallacy or two.

By affirming the consequent, you can prove anything to be true – anything – including Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  By affirming the consequent, you can prove that Sally’s pet is a cat, even though it is in fact a bird.  By affirming the consequent, you can prove that the theory of evolution is true, even though it is in fact a dog.  Do you see how that works?

We hypothesize:  If the Theory of Evolution is true, it will match with the fossil record and Darwin’s tree of life.

We observe that the Theory of Evolution matches with the fossil record and Darwin’s tree of life.

We conclude:  Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is true.

This is how they prove that the theory of evolution is true.  In fact, I see it on almost every page of my college textbooks where the Evolutionists are simply amazed at how miraculously all that evidence supports the truthfulness and predictions of the Theory of Evolution.  These people never realize that they are affirming the consequent.  They never realize that Darwin’s tree of life and the theory of evolution were carefully designed and tailor-made to match with any and all evidence – past, present, and future.  But, their arguments are fallacious, and they don’t even know it.

Why is this argument fallacious?

It’s because some version of Darwin’s tree of life can also be made to match with Intelligent Design Theory or Christianity; and, the different types of Christianity and Islam can be made to match the fossil record as well.  The whole thing is based upon circular reasoning, begging the question, or affirming the consequent.  It’s a logic fallacy.

Affirming the consequent is how the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists use the Scientific Method to prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  They cheat; and, most of them don’t even realize that they are doing so, because they have never studied the Philosophy of Science.

Let’s try it and see how it works in practice.

Jumping to conclusions and affirming the consequent is precisely what the Darwinists and Atheists DO each and every time they publicly declare that Science has proven the Theory of Evolution true.

Let’s demonstrate their error by affirming the consequent:

If the Theory of Evolution is true, the fossil record will match with Darwin’s Tree of Life.

We observe that the fossil record matches with Darwin’s Tree of Life.

Therefore, the Theory of Evolution and Darwinism are true.

This is affirming the consequent.  This is how the Darwinists and Naturalists prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  They do it every day.  You can go online, and you will find them online right now affirming their conclusions or jumping to conclusions.

Most of the scientists can’t see anything wrong with this argument.  They use it every day to prove to themselves that the Theory of Evolution is true.  They’ve been taught to do so in school by their science professors.

The problem with this argument, besides the fact that it is affirming the consequent, comes from the fact that Intelligent Design Theory, the Spaghetti Monster Theory, and even Christianity match with the fossil record, or can be made to match with the fossil record.  Anything can be made to match with the fossil record and the future fossils that we dig out of the ground, including the Theory of Evolution and Darwin’s Tree of Life.

Online, we see the Darwinists, Evolutionists, Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists telling us every day that the fossil record is real and that the fossil record proves that the Theory of Evolution is true.  “I’ve seen the fossils myself.  I’ve seen evolution in action,” they say.  They are affirming the consequent and don’t even realize that they are doing so.  They have convinced themselves that the fossil record proves that the Theory of Evolution is true.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

Begging the question and affirming the consequent are two of the ways by which these people convince themselves that the Theory of Evolution is true.  It works, because it was designed to work that way.

The few scientists, who fully understand that affirming the consequent can be used and is used to prove that anything is true, will correctly state that the Scientific Methods cannot be used to prove anything true.  But, these same people do not realize that that truth and reality applies directly to the Theory of Evolution as well.  When it comes to the Theory of Evolution, the very same people employ a special pleading, attempting to grant Darwinism, Materialism, and Naturalism immunity from the rules of science.  They cheat and grant Darwinism an exemption and make it an exception.  The special pleading logic fallacy is alive and well where Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are concerned.  They cheat.  Their first premise is allowed to be an Axiom or a Given Truth, which doesn’t require any evidence, verification, or proof of its truthfulness; and, their first premise is invariably their pre-chosen conclusion.  It’s called begging the question, and it’s a logic fallacy.

Scientific Hypothesis:  If the Theory of Evolution is true, we will observe that the Theory of Evolution is true.

Scientific Observation:  We observe that the Theory of Evolution is true.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is obviously true.

This is precisely the scientific argument that I watched a couple of the New Atheists using the other day.  They were totally convinced that the Theory of Evolution is true.  Go figure!  They take a blind leap of faith and go straight to their pre-chosen conclusion.  They use their pre-chosen conclusion as proof that their pre-chosen conclusion is true.

You can’t lose when it comes to begging the question and affirming the consequent.  It is “heads I win, tails you lose”.  It makes you a winner every time!  But, that’s exactly the way that these people do science, by affirming the consequent with every word that they speak.

Proving the Theory of Evolution True


Due to the affirming the consequent logic fallacy, and the jumping to conclusions logic fallacy, and the category error logic fallacies which are built into the traditional scientific methods, it is impossible to use Science and the Scientific Methods to know the truth and to prove the truth.  This is Philosophy of Science 101; and, almost everyone is completely oblivious to how often they use affirming the consequent to make their case and to prove their point.  Scientists and PhDs are particularly vulnerable to this logic fallacy because this is the way they were taught to do science while they were in school.

This is how affirming the consequent works in practice.  The following logical argument is the traditional Scientific Method in action.  The following logical argument outlines the basic approach that has been taken by scientists to prove that the Theory of Evolution is true:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Theory X is true, then we will observe Y.

Scientific Observations:  We observe Y.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Theory X is true.

This IS the Scientific Method in action!  This is the way that the Scientific Method is traditionally used to do science.  This sort of thinking, however, reflects a logic fallacy called affirming the consequent.

Now, let’s do as the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists do – let’s use affirming the consequent to prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.

If the Theory of Evolution is true, then we will observe natural selection.

We observe natural selection.

Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is true.

We see the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists everyday online and within their research papers using natural selection to prove that the theory of evolution is true; and, these people don’t stop there.

If the Theory of Evolution is true, then we will observe random mutations.

We observe random mutations.

Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is true.

We see the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists everyday online and within their research papers using random mutations to prove that the theory of evolution is true.

These people literally use the existence of natural selection and random mutations as scientific proof that Evolution happens and as scientific proof that the Theory of Evolution is true.  That’s how these people prove that the Theory of Evolution is true; and, millions have fallen for the deception or the ruse.  They can’t see anything wrong with it.

If Chemical Evolution is true, then we will observe genes and proteins.

We observe genes and proteins.

Therefore, Chemical Evolution is true, and the Theory of Evolution is true.

We see the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, and Atheists everyday online and within their research papers using Chemical Evolution and the existence of genes and proteins as proof that the Theory of Evolution is true.  Clearly, evolution made those genes and proteins, because nothing else could have.  That’s begging the question and affirming the consequent.

These people literally use the existence of genes and proteins as scientific proof that Chemical Evolution happened and as scientific proof that the Theory of Evolution is true.

These people are using the affirming the consequent logic fallacy to prove that the Theory of Evolution is true; and, the unwary, the uneducated, and the scientists themselves don’t even realize that they are doing so.  We are being tricked and deceived, and we don’t even know it.

We see these arguments being used every day online; and, nobody is aware of the logic fallacy that is contained within them.

I have seen this argument hundreds of times, and so have you.

Definition:  Evolution is natural selection and random mutations.  Evolution is genetic change.

Obviously, we observe natural selection, random mutations, and genetic change every day on this planet.

Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is obviously true; and, natural selection, random mutations, and genetic change obviously designed and created all of the life forms on this planet.

By affirming the consequent, these people jump to the conclusion that the Theory of Evolution is true without even realizing that they are doing so.  It makes logical sense to them.  They simply know that the Theory of Evolution is true, and never once do they question it.  Many of them promote it with a blind-faith and zeal that rivals anything that can be found from an Evangelical Christian or a Muslim Fanatic.

Of course, the Theory of Evolution is true because natural selection and random mutations have been observed.

These people don’t see anything wrong with their argument.  In their minds, they have proven that the Theory of Evolution is true.

Of course, Evolution is true.  It has been observed.  Random mutations and natural selection have been observed.  Of course, the Theory of Evolution is true.  It’s obvious.  It’s been observed.

These people affirm the consequent and jump straight to the conclusion that the Theory of Evolution is true.  This is how they do science, and they can’t see anything wrong with it.

The following is one of my favorites.  I see it being used all the time by PhD scientists online, in their research papers, and everywhere else.

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution are true, then we will observe entropy.

Scientific Observation:  We observe entropy all around us all the time.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution are true.

This IS the Scientific Method in action – the way that the Scientific Method is traditionally used to do science.  Most people can’t see anything wrong with it; but, it’s based upon a logic fallacy called “affirming the consequent”.

There’s nothing wrong with affirming the consequent; is there?  As long as it gets us the truth, it should be okay; shouldn’t it?

Well, let’s demonstrate what’s wrong with affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions.

If the Intelligent Design Theory is true, then we will observe natural selection.

We observe natural selection.

Therefore, the Intelligent Design Theory is true, and God clearly designed living organisms to be influenced by natural selection and sexual selection.

Notice how I first affirmed the consequent, and then I jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to be true.

By affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions, we can prove anything to be true.

If the Christianity is true, then we will observe random mutations.

We observe random mutations.

Therefore, Christianity is true, and God clearly designed and created our genomes so that random mutations would be possible and would be observed.

Notice how I first affirmed the consequent, and then I jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to be true.

By affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions, we can prove anything to be true; and, that’s why affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions are logic fallacies.  By using logic fallacies, we can prove anything to be true.

If Materialism and Naturalism are true, then we will observe physical matter.

We observe physical matter.

Therefore, Materialism and Naturalism are true.

By affirming the consequent, Materialists, Naturalists, and Scientists prove that Materialism and Naturalism are true.  This is the traditional Scientific Method in action.  You see them online each and every day within their scientific arguments and research papers proving that Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution are true by affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions.  That’s the way these people do science.  We observe them doing so every day and for centuries at a time.

It’s easy to prove anything true by affirming the consequent.  These people do it all the time, and they don’t even know it.

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution are true, then we will observe DNA, genes, genomes, proteins, eyes, brains, and living life forms.

Scientific Observations:  We observe DNA, genes, genomes, proteins, eyes, brains, and living life forms.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution are true; and, Evolution clearly designed and created our DNA, genes, genomes, proteins, eyes, brains, and physical bodies.

Notice how I first affirmed the consequent, and then I jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to be true.  It works every time, even though it is a logic fallacy.

We see the New Atheists using this argument all the time to make their case and prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  These people are affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions, and they don’t even know it.

I see these very same arguments in almost ALL of the college textbooks that I own and online every day.  By affirming the consequent and jumping to conclusions, these scientists prove that the Theory of Evolution is true.  They are completely oblivious and unaware of the logic fallacies that they used to make their case.  They were taught in college that affirming the consequent is the way that they are supposed to use the Scientific Method to do science.  They were taught wrong; but, most of them don’t even know it.

Falsifying Theories by Negating the Consequent


Now, let’s use the Scientific Method for what it was designed for.  Let’s falsify some theories.  Unlike affirming the consequent, negating the consequent or falsifying a theory is philosophically and logically sound.  Here’s how falsifying a theory, or negating the consequent, works in principle using the Scientific Method:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Theory X is true, then we will observe Y.

Scientific Observations:  We don’t observe Y.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Theory X is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Method.

Here’s how negating the consequent or falsifying a theory works in practice:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are true, then we will observe the rocks and physical reactions designing, creating, and manufacturing genomes and life forms from scratch.  If the Theory of Evolution is true, we will observe chemical evolution, abiogenesis, and spontaneous generation all around us all the time in real time.

Scientific Observations:  We have NEVER observed the rocks and physical reactions designing and creating genomes and life forms; and, we NEVER will.  They can’t.  The chemical evolution, abiogenesis, or spontaneous generation of proteins and genes from atoms is physically impossible and has NEVER been observed.

The Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are false and have been falsified by the Scientific Method or Scientific Observations.

I just successfully falsified Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution; and, I used the Scientific Method to do so!  Best of all, my argument is philosophically and logically sound.  I have in fact falsified Materialism, Darwinism, Naturalism, Creation by Rocks, and the Theory of Evolution for REAL!  I have PROVEN them false!  It’s that simple!  I successfully used the Scientific Methods for what they are good for – falsifying theories which are false.  I wish I would have known how to do that forty years ago.  It would have saved me a lot of confusion, frustration, time, and grief.

Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, and their derivatives are falsified by a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their Major Premises or Hidden Assumptions.  That’s what falsifying a theory means – eliminating every premise, theory, and conclusion that has NEVER been experienced nor observed.

Now, let’s run Atheism through the Scientific Method by negating the consequent to falsify it:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Atheism is true, we will observe “nothing” designing, creating, and manufacturing everything, including genomes and life forms.  It would be chaos, but that’s exactly what we should be observing if Atheism were true.

Scientific Observations:  Obviously, we have NEVER observed “nothing” designing and creating anything; and, we NEVER will.  It’s patently absurd.

The Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Patent Absurdity or Atheism is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Method and Scientific Observations.

I just falsified Atheism for REAL; and, it’s philosophically and logically sound.  I have in fact falsified Atheism, using the Scientific Method and Scientific Observations to do so!

Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, and their derivatives are falsified by a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their Major Premises or Hidden Assumptions.  That’s what falsifying a theory means – eliminating every premise, theory, and conclusion that has NEVER been experienced nor observed.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism have been falsified or proven false.  There’s no way to observe that something does not exist.  There’s no way to observe that the non-physical does not exist.  There’s no way to observe that the supernatural or the quantum does not exist.  There’s no way to observe that an after-life does not exist.  There’s no way to observe that life has no purpose and no meaning.  There’s no way to observe that God does not exist.  There’s NO way to use affirming the consequent to prove the truth.

However, you can definitely use negating the consequent to prove that your favorite theories are false.  Such a course of action is philosophically valid and scientifically sound.

Remember, there’s only one way to use the Scientific Method “to prove the truth” and that is to use negating the consequent and the Scientific Methods to eliminate everything that is false so that ONLY the truth or ONLY the observed remains.  It’s fascinating to observe what remains after eliminating everything that you know to be false or everything that has been proven false, such as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives.

Falsifying the Theory of Evolution


Now, let’s use the Scientific Method for what it was designed for.  Let’s falsify some of people’s favorite theories.  Negating the consequent or falsifying a theory is philosophically valid and logically sound.  Negating the consequent is NOT a logic fallacy.  Negating the consequent is the way that Science should be done and the way that the Scientific Methods should be used.

Sherlock Holmes taught me how this works in principle or practice.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible [and the false], whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? — Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes and the Philosophy of Science taught me how to use the Scientific Method to falsify the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism.

Here’s how falsifying a theory, or negating the consequent, works in principle using the Scientific Method:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Theory X is true, then we will observe Y.

Scientific Observations:  We don’t observe Y.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Theory X is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Method.

This scientific argument is philosophically valid and logically sound.  It works. Theory X has been proven false by the Scientific Method.  Theory X has been falsified by a complete lack of observational evidence supporting the hypothesis.  That’s how you falsify a theory!  It’s dependable.  It works.

One of the primary tenets of Science 2.0 is the observation that if we successfully eliminate everything that is false or everything that has been falsified, then ONLY the truth will remain.  Under Science 2.0, the truth is found by eliminating everything that is false, everything that is impossible, and everything that has been falsified.

Observe that negating the consequent or falsifying a theory requires careful consideration of what one is really trying to prove.  In other words, negating the consequent requires a great deal more intelligence and precision than affirming the consequent.

Let’s use negating the consequent and the Scientific Method to falsify a theory or two.  This can be a great deal of fun to do.

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Chemical Evolution is true, then we will observe atoms spontaneously generating into DNA, genes, genomes, and proteins.

Scientific Observations:  We have NEVER observed atoms spontaneously generating into DNA, genes, genomes, and proteins.  It’s physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by entropy or the second law of thermodynamics.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Chemical Evolution is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Methods.  In other words, Chemical Evolution is falsified by a complete lack of observational support.  Chemical Evolution or spontaneous generation has NEVER been observed.

Thanks to entropy or the second law of thermodynamics, it’s physically impossible for atoms to spontaneously generate into functional proteins and the matching genes to go along with those proteins.  Chemical Evolution is physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by entropy.  That’s the REAL science.  Chemical Evolution has been falsified by a complete lack of supporting evidence.  Since Chemical Evolution is false and impossible, the Theory of Evolution is false and impossible.

Let’s try another one by using the negating the consequent version of the Scientific Method:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If Macro-Evolution is true, then we will observe cats occasionally giving birth to dogs, and we will observe the occasional ape giving birth to humans.

Scientific Observations:  We have NEVER observed one species giving birth to a completely different species.  It’s physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by genetics and random mutations.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Macro-Evolution is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Method.  In other words, Macro-Evolution is falsified by a complete lack of observational support.

Thanks to entropy or the second law of thermodynamics, it’s physically impossible for random mutations to produce a functionally compatible or genetically compatible Mr. and Mrs. Mutant at the very same time in the very same place.  It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.  Thanks to random mutations or entropy, it’s physically impossible for chimp-like ancestors to give birth to genetically compatible male and female chimpanzees, or genetically compatible male and female human beings.  It can’t be done, which means that it wasn’t done.  That’s the REAL science.

Macro-Evolution is false because it is prevented from happening by entropy, random mutations, and genetics.  Macro-Evolution has NEVER been experienced nor observed; and, it NEVER will be, because it is physically impossible.

Scientific Hypothesis:  If the Theory of Evolution is true, then we will observe natural selection and random mutations producing new and unique life-forms in real-time.  It should be happening here and now, and not in some distant unseen past.

Scientific Observations:  We have NEVER observed one species giving birth to a completely different species.  It’s physically impossible.  It’s prevented from happening by genetics and random mutations.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, the Theory of Evolution is false and has been falsified by the Scientific Method.  In other words, the Theory of Evolution is falsified by the fact that random mutations and natural selection have NEVER been caught in the act of designing and creating new and unique life-forms from scratch.

These are powerful observations, which just happen to be true.  The Theory of Evolution is falsified by a complete lack of observational support for its major claim or primary premise, which states that natural selection and random mutations designed and created ALL of the life forms on this planet.  In truth, evolution (genetic change), random mutations, and natural selection didn’t even exist until AFTER God designed, created, and manufactured the genes, proteins, genomes, eyes, brains, and physical life forms in the first place.  Your genome is God’s Signature.  This is Logic 101; and, it falsifies the Theory of Evolution.  Evolution, natural selection, and random mutations didn’t exist and couldn’t exist until after Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent designed and created the genes and the genomes in the first place.

Furthermore, random mutations and natural selection cannot do computer programming or genetic programming.  A genome is programming code and computer hardware.  Thanks to entropy, it’s physically impossible for random mutations to design, program, engineer, create, and manufacture functional genomes from scratch.  Random mutations are entropy, NOT designers and creators.

The false is falsified by the truth.  The false is falsified by observation and common sense; whereas, the truth is repeatedly experienced and observed by Someone Psyche somewhere sometime.

Let’s falsify a couple other theories by using the negating the consequent version of the Scientific Method:

Scientific Hypothesis:  If the claims of Materialism and Naturalism are true, then we will observe atoms spontaneously generating into DNA, genes, genomes, and proteins.

Scientific Observations:  We have NEVER observed atoms spontaneously generating into DNA, genes, genomes, and proteins.  In fact, spontaneous generation was falsified in 1859 by Louis Pasteur.

Scientific Conclusion:  Therefore, Materialism and Naturalism are false and have been falsified by the Scientific Method.  In other words, Materialism and Naturalism are falsified by a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their hidden assumptions or major premises which claim that the non-physical, the supernatural, or the quantum does not exist.  It’s physically impossible to observe that something does not exist.

The Materialists and Naturalists jump to the conclusion that only physical matter exists and therefore atoms must spontaneously generate into DNA, genes, proteins, genomes, and life forms.  They are wrong.  Spontaneous Generation, Abiogenesis, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution were FALSIFIED by Louis Pasteur in 1859, the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”.  We knew the truth from the very beginning but chose to ignore it.

Once we have successfully falsified Materialism and Naturalism, then the Theory of Evolution and Atheism go down with them as fruit from the poisoned tree.  Atheism – the idea that Nothing designed and created everything – is patently absurd.  Atheism is creation ex nihilo – creation from nothing by nothing.  Atheism or creation ex nihilo is obviously false to any rationally thinking person who comes across it.  “Nothing” cannot design and create anything.

Jumping to conclusions, the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists define science as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  That’s the way these people do science.  It’s begging the question – using their pre-chosen conclusion as scientific evidence that their pre-chosen conclusion is true.  It’s circular reasoning.

The Materialists and Naturalists define science as Materialism and Naturalism, thereby making Materialism and Naturalism axiomatically true and thereby proving that Materialism and Naturalism are true.  That’s begging the question.  By affirming the consequent, begging the question, and jumping to conclusions, you can prove anything to be true – even Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  It works, because logic fallacies can be used to prove anything true.  It’s called sophistry.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

In contrast, negating the consequent or falsifying a theory involves careful examination of the observational evidence and careful examination of the hidden conclusions that these people are jumping to.

I wish I would have known about negating the consequent or falsifying theories forty years ago when I was first in college; but, these are concepts that you will NEVER learn about from the Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists who control and run our public schools.  This type of information is banned from our public schools and science labs because it falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism.  This type of information is forbidden in our public schools.  The purpose of our public schools is to indoctrinate you in Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Scientism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Classical Physics, and Atheism.  Yet, these falsifiable and falsified philosophies or religions are in fact FALSIFIED by negating the consequent.  The truth can be found through a process of elimination by falsifying and eliminating from science anything that is false.

This is the way that science should be done – by falsifying and eliminating theories.  This is the way that science should have been done but wasn’t.  Instead, by defining science as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism, falsified theories are retained as the core foundation of the physical sciences and classical physics.  In other words, these people cheat and use logic fallacies to make their case and prove that Materialism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution are true.

When it comes to Science and my understanding of the Scientific Methods, the eight months I spent studying the Philosophy of Science, affirming the consequent, and negating the consequent paid the most dividends in the end.  It is powerful stuff and very interesting too.  By using the negating the consequent version of the Scientific Method, I have successfully FALSIFIED Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution many different times in many different ways.

In order to find and know the truth, we must successfully eliminate everything that is false, starting with Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives.

Negating the consequent or falsifying theories was really cool once I discovered how it truly works.  Now that I KNOW how negating the consequent works and how it can be used to prove theories false, there’s NO going back to affirming the consequent and the falsehoods and lies that it is being used to produce.  Cool, huh?

Using the Scientific Method to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution just might be the greatest scientific discovery that I have made during my lifetime.  I certainly find it powerful and useful.  I wish I would have known how to falsify these false philosophies or false religions forty years ago when I was first in college.  It would have saved me a ton of time, confusion, and grief.  All you want is the truth, because falsehoods and falsified theories don’t do anyone any good, unless you are making a living off the lies.

What do you think?

Is my discovery of the difference between affirming the consequent and negating the consequent one of my greatest scientific discoveries of all time; or, am I deluding myself?  Self-deception works, and it works every time.  Am I deceiving myself; or, do you think I have a point?

Obviously, I’m not the first person to discover affirming the consequent and negating the consequent; but, as far as I know, I am the first person to apply them directly to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

Ever since I successfully falsified Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives, I HAVE KNOWN that they are false because I HAVE KNOWN why they are false.  That knowledge is particularly valuable to me because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  In my ignorance, I couldn’t see anything wrong with the arguments and scientific proofs that were being presented to me by these people.  I fell for it – hook, line, and sinker.

But now, I have seen the light.

Science 2.0 Is the Way that Science Should Have Been Done


Science 2.0 deliberately allows ALL of the evidence into evidence, and the goal is to pursue a preponderance of the evidence.  Like the forensic sciences, Science 2.0 relies upon a Burden of Proof Methodology when it comes to the non-physical and the non-replicable; and, a Burden of Proof Methodology is dependent upon a preponderance of the evidence just like in a court of law.  The goal is to get beyond a reasonable doubt.

The cool thing about Science 2.0 is that it allows into evidence EVERYTHING that we have observed and experienced as a race concerning the physical realm, as well as EVERYTHING that we have lived and experienced and observed in respect to the quantum realm or the supernatural realm.

Science 2.0 defines “science” as observation and experience.  Under Science 2.0, nothing is off-limits or out-of-bounds.  ALL of the evidence is allowed into evidence, as science should be done.  When it comes to the quantum realm, or the supernatural realm, or the transdimensional realm, or the spirit world, Science 2.0 relies upon the observed, verified, and proven evidence from Quantum Mechanics, or Transdimensional Physics, or Supernatural Physics to explain what’s happening in the quantum realm.  It works, if allowed to work.

Science 2.0 demands that we find an Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that explains in detail what the Human Psyche and Nature’s Psyche are doing at the quantum level in order to get things done for us at the physical level.  I found two such Interpretations for Quantum Mechanics, and I discuss them in detail in my books about Quantum Mechanics:

“Quantum Neuroscience: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything”.

“Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective”.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible [and the false], whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? — Sherlock Holmes.

This is Science 2.0 in action.  The goal of Science 2.0 is to eliminate the impossible, the false, and the falsified while at the same time keeping and promoting the experienced and the observed.

If we successfully eliminate everything that is false, then only the TRUTH will remain.  It’s fascinating to observe what remains after Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Scientism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution have been FALSIFIED and ELIMINATED from science.

The truth remains.

The VERIFIED, the OBSERVED, and the EXPERIENCED remain.  The eye-witness evidence, the experiential evidence, the observational evidence, and the empirical evidence remain.  Science is observation, or it should be.  Science 2.0 defines science as Observation and Experience.  The TRUTH is repeatedly verified, repeatedly experienced, and repeatedly observed by everyone who is willing to observe and learn.  Science 2.0 allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and then pursues a preponderance of the evidence.  Science 2.0 uses a Burden of Proof Methodology, which is based upon a preponderance of the observed evidence.  Science 2.0 is how science should have been done but wasn’t.

According to Science 2.0, if we successfully eliminate everything that is false, then ONLY the TRUTH will remain.  According to Science 2.0, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to observe it, live it, and experience it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  According to Science 2.0, science is observation, and NOT philosophical speculation and wishful thinking.  According to Science 2.0, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution are FALSIFIED due to a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their hidden assumptions or major premises which claim that the supernatural or the quantum does not exist.

Quantum Mechanics is Supernatural Mechanics – it’s non-physical in nature and origin.  Quantum Mechanisms or Psychic Mechanisms in their natural state or their original non-local non-physical state are NOT limited by physical laws nor physical restrictions.  Quantum Mechanisms are Syntropy, which means that they are not subject to entropy in their original primal state.  In a physical state, however, Quantum Mechanisms, Supernatural Mechanisms, or Psyche Mechanisms are dampened, limited, and restrained by physical matter and entropy.  This is the way things really work, at both the quantum level and the physical level.

Science 2.0 chooses to give precedence to quantum mechanisms or supernatural mechanisms, because they have been observed, experienced, and verified.  Likewise, Science 2.0 eliminates Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism from science because they are falsifiable and have been falsified due to a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their hidden assumptions and hidden conclusions which claim that the supernatural or the quantum does not exist.

Under Science 2.0, the psyche level or the quantum level or the supernatural level remains, because it has been OBSERVED, EXPERIENCED, and repeatedly VERIFIED by lived experiences and scientific experimentation.  Quantum Mechanics is our best-proven, most-verified, and most-used science that we have.  Quantum Mechanics is Supernatural Mechanics.  Likewise, the physical level remains under Science 2.0, because the physical level has been OBSERVED, EXPERIENCED, and repeatedly VERIFIED by lived experiences and scientific experimentation.

In contrast, Materialism and Naturalism are falsified by Science 2.0, because the non-existence of the supernatural or the non-existence of the quantum has NEVER been observed, experienced, nor verified.  Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives are FALSIFIED by observational evidence to the contrary.  The observation and experience of Quantum Mechanisms, or Psychic Mechanisms, or Supernatural Mechanisms FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.

Under Science 2.0, design and creation by Intelligent Beings remains because it has been OBSERVED, EXPERIENCED, and repeatedly VERIFIED by lived experiences and scientific experimentation.  Science 2.0 retains what is TRUE because it retains what has been observed, experienced, lived, and remembered.  Likewise, Science 2.0 consistently eliminates everything that is false and has been falsified like Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Scientism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.

Science 2.0 is the way that science should have been done but wasn’t.

Mark My Words



This was adapted from:  Using THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth.





Rychlak, J. F. (1981). A Philosophy of Science for Personality Theory (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company.

Slife, B. D. & Williams, R. N. (1995).  Science and Human Behavior.  In What’s Behind the Research?  Discovering Hidden Assumptions in the Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 167–204).  Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Publications.


Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.


Quantum Neuroscience:  The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.



Using THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth.




Analysis of Falsification


What did we just learn from this exercise?

We learned that the Scientific Methods can be used to prove theories false or to falsify theories.  Technically, according to the laws of logic, the Scientific Method cannot be used to prove anything true, due to the affirming the consequent logic fallacy; however, the Scientific Methods can definitely be used to falsify theories and thereby prove that they are false.  Falsifying a theory means proving that a theory is false.  The Scientific Methods are used to prove theories false; and, it works.  In contrast, affirming the consequent can be used to trick us and deceive us.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

What else did we learn from this exercise in falsification?

We learned that a lack of observation FALSIFIES theories.  That’s what we really learned, isn’t it?  We learned that a lack of observation or a lack of observational evidence is the foundational hallmark of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  These philosophical theories are FALSE because there is NO observational evidence supporting their major premises or primary assumptions which claim that the quantum, or the supernatural, or the non-physical does not exist.

We learned that there is no evidence and can be no evidence for the claim that Psyche does not exist.  We learned that there is no evidence and can be no evidence for the claim that the Non-Local or the Non-Physical does not exist.  We learned that there is no evidence and can be no evidence supporting the materialistic and naturalistic claim that the quantum level or the psyche level does not exist.  We learned that ALL of the observational evidence and experimental evidence that we have on hand as a race FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism.

We learned that science begins by allowing ALL of the evidence into evidence.  We learned that whenever science is done right, by negating the consequent or by falsifying and eliminating theories that are false, we are pointed to the truth as a result.  We learned that the truth is discovered by falsifying and eliminating Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and their derivatives.  We will learn that it can be extremely fascinating and informative to study what remains after everything that is false has been deliberately eliminated.

We learned that if you successfully eliminate everything that is false, then only the truth will remain.  If you successfully eliminate everything that has NEVER been experienced nor observed by anyone, then ONLY the truth will remain.  If you successfully allow ALL of the evidence into evidence, then ONLY the truth will remain.  We learned that science is personal experience and observation.

We learned that we don’t have to run any science experiments in order to find and know the truth.  We can go straight to KNOWING the TRUTH simply by observing it, experiencing it, and living it for ourselves.  We learned that the BEST and the fastest way to find and know the truth is to live it and experience it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  We learned that the second-best way to find and know the truth is to eliminate everything that is false so that only the truth remains.  We learned that the discovery of truth starts by eliminating Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives.

Powerful, is it not?

We learned that there is NO empirical evidence and will NEVER be any observational evidence supporting the major premises or primary assumptions of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism.  We learned that the Scientific Method FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism.  We learned that there is NO evidentiary support for Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  There are NO observations and can NEVER be any observations supporting the claims of Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism, because these things have to be taken on blind-faith as being real and true, because they can’t be experienced nor lived nor learned from.

We learned that there is NO phenomenological support or observational support for Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.  These things are pure hypothesis, pure philosophy, pure fiction, pure speculation, pure dogma, pure religion, pure pseudo-science, and the very pinnacle of wishful thinking.

We learned that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution are FALSE because there is no observational evidence supporting them.  We learned that science is OBSERVATION.  We learned that you can get a lot of mileage out of the truth, especially when that truth is experienced and observed.

We learned that most of us have been brainwashed and conditioned in our public schools not to be able to see, understand, nor accept these realities and truths.  You will NEVER learn anything about any of this from your materialistic, naturalistic, and atheistic professors and teachers in our public schools because this kind of information has been deliberately banned, blocked, censored, and eliminated from the curriculum.  The purpose of our public schools is to indoctrinate us into Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Scientism, Behaviorism, Determinism, and Atheism.

Fascinating, is it not?

It explains what has been done to us.  It answers a lot of unasked questions, doesn’t it?  Instantly, the first fifty years of my life made sense to me, as it finally dawned on me how I had been tricked and deceived all of my life.  Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.  My hope is to set a lot of people free, as I have been set free.

Ask yourself, “What hidden assumptions do the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists make at the beginning of each of their scientific arguments or scientific proofs, every time they try to do science?”

These people always start with the hidden assumption that Psyche, Spirit Matter, Quantum Non-Local Consciousness, Syntropy, God, Action at a Distance, Quantum Non-Locality, and Quantum Mechanisms do NOT exist.  Begging the question, these people always start with these hidden assumptions; and therefore, these people always come to the very same conclusions – there is NO such thing as Syntropy, God, Quantum Non-Locality, Action at a Distance, Psyche, Choice, Spirit Matter, Consciousness, or Eternal Life.  Garbage in, then garbage out.  These hidden assumptions are inserted at the beginning of every argument that these people make, whether they realize it or not.  Consequently, these people always come to the same conclusions.  It’s unavoidable.  If you start your science with false assumptions, you are going to end up with false conclusions when you are done.  Simple.  Logical.  True.

There’s no way possible to observe that Psyche and Syntropy do not exist.  It’s physically impossible to prove that Psyche and Syntropy do not exist.  There’s no way to observe that spirit matter does not exist.  There’s no way to observe that God does not exist.  There is no way to observe that the quantum realm, the transdimensional realm, the spirit realm, or the non-local realm does not exist.  In fact, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism completely fall apart and fail each and every time someone sees, talks with, and OBSERVES our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.  Observation destroys Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.

Each time we OBSERVE or experience Syntropy, God, Action at a Distance, Resurrected Beings, Consciousness, Quantum Mechanics, Psyche or Choice, Thoughts and Memories, and the Spirit World, those observations and experiences FALSIFY Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, and Atheism.  That’s the way evidence works!  Evidence falsifies everything that is false.  Science is observation, or it should be.  Observation falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.  Observations should be given precedence and priority over philosophical speculations and wishful thinking, especially when it comes to science.

The very existence of Quantum Mechanics proves that the Materialists and Naturalists are wrong.  Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy.  The very existence of Quantum Mechanics, Syntropy, Action at a Distance, Quantum Non-Locality, and Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.

Quantum Mechanics is very difficult to falsify, due to the fact that it exists at the quantum level or the psyche level.  However, Quantum Mechanics is constantly and repeatedly VERIFIED each and every time we get smart enough as a race to design an experiment that will indeed verify it or use it.  Quantum Mechanics is verified by the effects that it has on physical matter.  Syntropy, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Non-Local Consciousness, Intelligent Intervention, Action at a Distance, or Transdimensional Physics is very REAL; and, Quantum Mechanics is in fact our most-verified, best-proven, and most-used science on the planet right now.

WE KNOW that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, and Atheism are FALSE, because there is NO observational evidence supporting their hidden assumptions, major premises, or primary assumptions.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives are unscientific because there is NO observational evidence supporting their major premises or primary assumptions.  That’s the way science works; or at least, that’s the way science is supposed to work.

Anything that has been successfully falsified should be eliminated from science as being unscientific.  If you want to find and know the truth, then you must eliminate everything that is false and everything that has been falsified, starting with Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Atheism, and the Theory of Evolution.  There is no other way to find and know the truth.  The truth is what remains after everything that is false has been eliminated.

Remember, entropy degenerates genomes.  It doesn’t improve and enhance them.  It can’t.  It’s physically impossible.  Entropy cannot do order, organization, design, programming, engineering, fine-tuning, field-testing, and manufacturing.  Entropy makes chemical evolution, abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, and macro-evolution physically impossible.  Random mutations are entropy.  Natural selection is a dead-end, death, entropy, or the extinction of species.  These things destroy and end genomes.  They do NOT enhance and improve genomes.  Evolution of any kind is entropy.  It can’t design and create.

Begging the Question


One of my most important and significant discoveries in Science and Philosophy is the discovery that Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives are based exclusively on Begging the Question, which is a logic fallacy.  Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism have been based upon the Begging the Question logic fallacy since the beginning of recorded history.

So, what is Begging the Question?

Begging the Question is a logic fallacy wherein they take their pre-chosen conclusion and insert their pre-chosen conclusion as evidence and proof that their pre-chosen conclusion is true.  In other words, these people are using their pre-chosen conclusions as their Major Premises or Hidden Assumptions in every scientific argument, scientific interpretation, scientific inference, and scientific proof that they make.

So, what are these Hidden Assumptions or Pre-Chosen Conclusions that these people are using to make their case and prove that they are right?  They have been doing so for thousands of years.  Wouldn’t you want to know?

Materialism is based upon the pre-chosen conclusion that the non-physical does not exist.  Therefore, these people (often unknowingly) insert the non-existence of the non-physical as their first Major Premise or Hidden Assumption; and thereafter, these people ONLY consider physical matter, and they completely and deliberately exclude and refuse to do research into all the different invisible, non-physical forces, fields, and entities which have been experienced, observed, and proven to exist.

Naturalism is based upon the pre-chosen conclusion that the supernatural or the quantum does not exist.  Naturalism is also based upon the pre-chosen conclusion that Psyche, Spirit Matter, and Quantum Non-Local Consciousness do not exist.  These people deny the existence of Intelligence, Psyche, or the Life Force.  It’s philosophically impossible to verify, or to prove, or even to falsify such a pre-chosen conclusion; but, they don’t care.  These people deny the existence of Supernatural Mechanisms or Quantum Mechanisms; and therefore, these people insert the non-existence of the supernatural or the non-existence of the quantum as their first Major Premise or Hidden Assumption in every scientific argument, scientific proof, scientific interpretation, and scientific inference that they make.  Consequently, these people ONLY consider nature or classical physics, and they completely and deliberately exclude the quantum, the supernatural, the psyche, or Syntropy from consideration when it comes to their science and their philosophy.

Nihilism is the philosophical belief that there is no after-life for the Psyche or the Soul, and therefore no such thing as a Quantum Realm, Syntropy Realm, Psyche Realm, or Spirit Realm.  These people choose to believe that there is no such thing as the Non-Local Realm, Non-Physical Realm, or Transdimensional Realm.  These people use the non-existence of psyche, and the non-existence of spirit matter, and the non-existence of syntropy as scientific proof that these things do not exist.  They beg the question.  These people insert the non-existence of these things into every scientific argument, scientific proof, scientific interpretation, and scientific inference that they make as evidence or proof that their pre-chosen conclusions are true.  These people use the non-existence of these things as evidence or proof that these things do not exist.  It’s illogical and irrational; but, that’s the nature of logic fallacies such as begging the question.  Most of them don’t even realize that they are begging the question and affirming the consequent.  They do it automatically because they have been trained to do so in college by their college professors who were also Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists.

Atheism is based upon the pre-chosen conclusion that God or God’s Psyche does not exist.  It’s philosophically impossible to verify, or to prove, or even to falsify such a pre-chosen conclusion.  Atheism is the design and creation of something by nothing.  Atheism is irrational, illogical, and patently absurd.  There’s no logic to it whatsoever.  These people deny the existence of a Maker, even when it comes to things that were obviously made, such as proteins and genomes; consequently, these people insert the non-existence of God or the non-existence of Makers as their first Major Premise or Hidden Assumption into every scientific argument, scientific proof, scientific interpretation, and scientific inference that they make.  As a result of this pre-chosen conclusion, these people convince themselves that proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brains, and life forms spontaneously generate out of thin air all the time.  Such a belief or claim has NEVER been experienced nor observed.  In fact, Louis Pasteur falsified spontaneous generation in 1859, the very same year that Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species”.  It’s ironic, but Louis Pasteur falsified Spontaneous Generation, Abiogenesis, Creation Ex Nihilo, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, and the Theory of Evolution in 1859; and, the Naturalists have been denying that fact ever since.

Darwinism is a carefully designed combination of Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  Darwinism or the Theory of Evolution is based upon the non-existence of God, the non-existence of the non-physical, the non-existence of the supernatural, the non-existence of psyche, and the non-existence of the quantum realm or transdimensional realm.  These people quietly insert the non-existence of these things as their Major Premise or Hidden Assumption into every science argument, science proof, interpretation of data, and scientific inference that they make.  These people use their pre-chosen conclusions as evidence and proof that their pre-chosen conclusions are true.

This is how these people do Science and Philosophy, by excluding a priori anything and everything that falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  They cheat.  They beg the question!  They declare their pre-chosen conclusions to be Axioms, Laws, or Given Truths, and then insert those Axioms or Given Truths (their pre-chosen conclusions) as their Major Premise into every scientific argument, scientific proof, scientific interpretation, and scientific inference that they make.  Most of them don’t even realize that they are doing so; but, they are.  It’s what they do.  It’s what they have been trained to do in college.

These people also make a special pleading and adjust the rules of science and philosophy by axiomatically declaring that their First Premise in any argument that they make is allowed to be a Given Truth or an Axiom, and therefore doesn’t have to be seen, verified, nor proven to be true.  That’s how they get around the rules of logic and the rules of science, by unilaterally declaring that their First Premise in any argument that they make is allowed to be an Axiom or a Given Truth.  That’s how these people trick us and deceive us.  That’s how they trick and deceive themselves.  They cheat.  They beg the question and affirm the consequent.  They use circular reasoning to make their case and prove their point.

Because I understand the begging the question and the affirming the consequent logic fallacies, whenever I do philosophical proofs and scientific arguments, I demand that ALL of my premises as well as my conclusion be experienced and observed by Someone Psyche somewhere sometime, or I consider my philosophical arguments and scientific proofs to be worthless.  I upgraded my science to Science 2.0.  I don’t allow Axioms or Given Truths to be used as the Premises in any of my scientific arguments or philosophical proofs.  Everything – the premises and the conclusion – has to be based upon some kind of observational evidence, experiential evidence, or empirical evidence; or, I’m liable to be deceived.  Using their pre-chosen conclusions as their First Premise, Given Truth, or Axiom is precisely how the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists deceive themselves.  Self-deception works, and it works every time.

By using their pre-chosen conclusions as evidence or as proof that their pre-chosen conclusions are true, these people easily and convincingly prove to themselves and to others that their pre-chosen conclusions are indeed true.  You can’t miss by begging the question!  By begging the question and affirming the consequent, you can prove anything to be true, including Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  Begging the question is cheating.  It’s a logic fallacy.  But, these people don’t care, because begging the question and affirming the consequent proves that their theories, philosophies, and ideas are true; and, that’s all they really care about – winning the argument.  And, these people have won millions if not billions over to their side.

When it comes to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism, the whole thing is a sham or a scam; and, most people don’t even know it.  Fascinating, is it not?  Well, I think so.  I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist.  I’d been tricked and deceived just like everyone else; and, I didn’t even know it.  Philosophy (or religion and blind-faith) has a definite impact in our lives, especially when it comes to Science.  By using philosophy and begging the question, we can prove anything to be true.

This is the benefit of studying the Philosophy of Science and the various different logic fallacies that the Materialists and Naturalists use to trick us and deceive us.  You can actually figure out how they are tricking you and deceiving you.  You can also take steps to correct the problem.

It’s time that we upgrade our science to Science 2.0.

Begging the question, traditional science is defined as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Behaviorism, Scientism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Nihilism, and Atheism.  It’s time for us to re-define Science as observation and experience.  Let’s get rid of the philosophical speculation and the begging the question logic fallacy, and switch over to observational evidence, experiential evidence, eye-witness evidence, and empirical evidence for our proof.  Science 2.0 allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and pursues a preponderance of the evidence.  Let’s demand that every premise and every conclusion be experienced and observed by Someone Psyche somewhere sometime, or consider our scientific proofs and philosophical arguments to be falsified if there is no observational evidence supporting one of our premises or our pre-chosen conclusion.  The different types of evolution have NEVER been caught in the act of design and creation; therefore, they are false and have been successfully falsified.  They should be eliminated from consideration.  That’s the way science should be done but isn’t.

Remember, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism are FALSIFIED by a complete lack of observational evidence supporting their Major Premises or Hidden Assumptions.  These things should have been falsified and eliminated long ago, but they weren’t because their proponents cheat and beg the question in order to make their case and prove their point.  These falsified philosophies should have been eliminated from science, but they weren’t.  That’s the way science should have worked but didn’t.  Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, and Atheism should be eliminated from science; but, they aren’t because they have been declared axiomatically true and are then used as Axioms or Given Truths as the First Premise in every scientific argument, scientific inference, scientific interpretation, and scientific proof that these people make.

By begging the question and affirming the consequent, these people successfully prove that the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, Nihilism, and Atheism are true; and, millions if not billions have fallen for the ruse because they don’t understand the Philosophy of Science and how things really work.

If you tear something down, you are obligated to try to build something better in its place, which I have also tried to do.

Mission Statement


After successfully using the Scientific Method and Logic to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism, then I felt a compelling need to re-envision and re-do Science and Philosophy in order to bring them into line with the millions of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) which are on record and that have been experienced and observed first-hand by real human beings or human psyches.  In order to do so, I had to switch Science and Philosophy from a platform of speculation and wishful thinking based upon Materialism and Naturalism over to a new paradigm based upon the observations and verified proof that have been obtained from Quantum Mechanics or Supernatural Mechanics.  In other words, I had to bring the quantum or the supernatural or the non-physical into Science and Philosophy in order to upgrade them, fix them, and bring them into the modern age.

As a result, Science 2.0 and the Ultimate Model of Reality were born and brought into existence.

Mark My Words

The Fruits of These Truths


Science 2.0 was the result of these science discoveries.  If you study this essay carefully, you will notice that Science 2.0 follows naturally from negating the consequent and using the Scientific Method the way it was meant to be used.  The Scientific Method was supposed to be used to falsify and eliminate everything that is false; but, it is seldom used that way by the Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists because the Scientific Method and negating the consequent falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives.  Science 2.0 is discussed in much greater detail in the following book.

Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.



The Ultimate Model of Reality and Ultimate Cause were also the result of using the Scientific Method and Logic to successfully falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and Atheism.  The purpose of the Ultimate Model of Reality, a Psyche Ontology, a Psyche Epistemology, and Ultimate Cause is to add a necessary Fifth Cause to Aristotle’s Four Causes which were originally based upon Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism.  In other words, I added Syntropy, Psyche, Non-Locality, Quantum Mechanics, the Non-Physical, or the Supernatural to Aristotle’s Four Causes so as to bring Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science into the modern age or the quantum age.  The Ultimate Model of Reality is discussed in much greater detail in the following books.

The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause


Putting Psyche Back into Psychology: Restoring Science to Consciousness


BioPsychoSocial:  Including Psyche or Light into our Theoretical Models


NATURE vs. NURTURE vs. NIRVANA:  An Introduction to Reality





Science 2.0: I Upgraded My Science.


Using THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth.



Reference Materials


Using THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to Eliminate the Usual Suspects and to Prove the Truth.



The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist and Why I No Longer Believe in the Theory of Evolution.



The Scientific Method Proves That the Theory of Evolution Is False.



Summary Of: The Theory of Evolution Proves that God Exists.



Quantum Mechanics from a Non-Physical Spiritual Perspective.



Quantum Neuroscience:  The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.


Rychlak, J. F. (1981). A Philosophy of Science for Personality Theory (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company.

Slife, B. D. & Williams, R. N. (1995).  Science and Human Behavior.  In What’s Behind the Research?  Discovering Hidden Assumptions in the Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 167–204).  Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Publications.


What did we learn from this?

We learned that the dude wrote some books, and he wouldn’t mind if you were to take some time to buy them and read them.

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