Materialism Is Flawed

The Logic or Thinking behind Naturalism and Its Derivatives Is Flawed


When it comes to the Philosophy of Science, Science, Personality Theory, Psychology, and the Scientific Method, I discovered that studying and learning the difference between affirming the consequent and negating the consequent is the most interesting and most useful concept that one can study and learn about.  It’s the concept that paid the most dividends in the end.

All of the Psychologists and Personality Theorists turn to Joseph F. Rychlak for this information because he pioneered Humanism, and he was twice a president of the APA’s division of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.

Earlier in his career, Rychlak tended to define “science” as Materialism, Naturalism, Scientism, and Atheism – just like the rest of us.  He also tended to define Psychology as Humanism, which is a type of Atheism.  However, he adjusted his beliefs and definitions as more information and research became available.

Now, let’s briefly examine the opposite of Spiritualism, Psyche, Syntropy, and Ultimate Cause, something that is called Physicalism or Materialism or Naturalism.

As already mentioned, I have chosen to rely upon Joseph Rychlak for my foundation in philosophy and logic; and, he relied upon Aristotle.

Even though he acknowledged that human reasoning was in part dialectical, Aristotle challenged the validity of the dialectical method.  He thought it was of extreme importance to know how a reasoner in dialectical exchanges came to his major premise.  The major premise always acts as a precedent – i.e. a meaning occurring first in the succession of a line of meaning extension.  Meanings [definitions] which follow in logical order are sequacious – i.e. slavishly compliant with the precedent meanings which have gone before them.  Thus, if we accept the precedent major premise “All men are mortal” then by saying “This is a man” it follows necessarily (sequaciously) that “This is a mortal.”  However, even if we frame the major premise in the reverse sense, as “All mortals are men,” we would have a necessary extension of meaning of the sort “This is a mortal” leading to “This is a man”.  The conclusion arrived at is erroneous because it was begun in an erroneous (major) premise to begin with.

In the dialectical method, maybe what the student offered as the original position A was correct, but maybe it was grossly incorrect.  If the latter case, then any so-called truths emerging from this discourse would be tainted.  Aristotle thus challenged the Socratic dialectical view that a line of study can begin in error and end in truth.  If we begin in error, Aristotle said, we must necessarily end in error.  This too is a precedent-sequacious fact of mental life.  To end in truth our methods of inquiry (organons) had better begin in truth.  A demonstrative reasoner always makes certain that his major premise is what Aristotle called primary and true.

(Rychlak, 1979, Discovering Free Will and Personal Responsibility, p. 58).

Materialism and Naturalism start with a falsehood as their major premise – namely, that the non-physical, the invisible, the supernatural, and the quantum do not exist.  Since Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives begin in error, they must necessarily end in error.  Everything derived from Materialism and Naturalism is fruit from the poisoned tree.  Their major premises have been falsified by observational evidence; therefore, anything derived from them such as Nihilism, Darwinism, and Atheism must be in error as well.

I love to run Materialism and its derivatives through the different forms of logical reasoning in order to see how they stack up.  Employing every type of logic and reasoning available, I have observed that Materialism and Naturalism do not fare well under logical and rational scrutiny.

The Major Premise of Materialism is that physical matter is all that exists.  Only physical matter exists; and, there’s no such thing as the immaterial, the non-physical, the psyche, or the spiritual.

There is Materialism in a nut-shell.  Its definition is its major premise; and, there is also the sum total of ALL the science and the evidence supporting Materialism.  It’s all tied up in the major premise.  If you take that leap of faith and assume Materialism’s major premise to be true, then the sciences of Darwinism, Behaviorism, Scientific Naturalism, Determinism, Scientism, Abiogenesis, and Spontaneous Generation automatically and necessarily follow.  Millions of Atheists, Naturalists, Materialists, and Darwinists have taken this blind leap of faith and accepted Materialism’s Major Premise as true and irrefutable.  The whole of their science is based upon the assumption that physical matter is all that exists, because once they admit that the immaterial or the spiritual exists, then they are no longer Materialists and Naturalists and must look for some other way to explain Reality.

Now, let us run Darwinism through this sequacious process starting with Materialism’s Major Premise:

Physical matter is all that exists.

Therefore, physical matter or inanimate matter was the only thing that existed before the first genomes and the first life forms were designed, programmed, created, and manufactured.

Consequently, the rocks or various different forms of physical matter designed, created, programmed, engineered, and manufactured the first genomes and life forms on this planet.

It’s logical.  If you accept the major premise as true and irrefutable, then the consequents follow logically and rationally.  Physical matter is all that exists; consequently, the rocks designed and created the first genomes and life forms on this planet.  Darwinism (the Theory of Evolution) in its most fundamental or reduced form is Creation by Rocks or Spontaneous Generation; and, so is Materialism and Naturalism.

However, if the major premise is false, then the consequents and the conclusions are false as well.

The verified and proven existence of gravity, dark matter, dark energy, magnetism, light, quantum non-locality, quantum entanglement, action at a distance, and thought have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Materialism and Naturalism are false.  Magnetism is action at a distance.  Spirit is light; and, light is spirit.  The abundant empirical evidence from NDEs, SDEs, OBEs, and other Spiritual Experiences proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Materialism is false, and that some kind of non-local consciousness or psyche really does exist and really does survive bodily death and brain death.

ALL of the scientific evidence and empirical evidence that we have available to us proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Materialism’s Major Premise is false.  Invisible and non-physical forces and fields such as gravity, magnetism, thoughts, quantum waves, psyche, the strong and weak nuclear forces, the zero-point field, dark matter, and dark energy falsify Materialism’s Major Premise.  Physical matter isn’t the only thing that exists.

Since Materialism begins in falsehood, it must necessarily end in falsehoods.  Materialism begins in error, continues in error, and ends in error.  When it comes to Darwinism, Materialism, Naturalism, and their derivatives, all of the conclusions arrived at are erroneous because the Major Premise of Materialism is erroneous.  Any so-called truths deriving from Materialism and Naturalism are tainted because Materialism’s Major Premise is demonstrably false.  Since Materialism is nothing more than pure philosophy or religion or dogma, it can be dispatched with nothing more than philosophy or metaphysics.

Materialism and Naturalism are thoughts or ideas – there’s nothing material or physical about them!  Think about it.  You will NEVER find a molecule of Materialism, or Naturalism, or Darwinism because these things are non-physical thoughts or non-physical quantum waves to begin with.

I and many others have observed that Materialism of any kind is based upon a refusal to look at evidence.  My Materialism and My Atheism were based upon a refusal to look at any contradictory evidence.  Materialism is deliberately limited and purposefully exclusionary.  Materialism is an extremely poor foundation from which to do philosophy and science because Materialism deliberately eliminates the most interesting scientific disciplines from consideration.  Rocks can’t do philosophy and science.  That’s just the reality of the situation.  The rocks did NOT design and create and produce our proteins, genes, genomes, eyes, brains, and physical bodies.  Entropy would prevent the rocks from doing so.  There’s no such thing as spontaneous generation.  Spontaneous generation has been falsified by Science.

Once we know that Materialism is false and why it is false, then we can no longer use Materialism and Naturalism as our model of reality nor as our basis for science.  Consequently, we find ourselves looking for a better and more sustainable model for reality.  This is where Psyche and Ultimate Cause come in for the rescue.  Psyche is the ultimate causal agent.  I suggest for your consideration that the Ultimate Cause Model of Reality is a much better and more sustainable model of reality than Materialism and Naturalism.  Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness has actually been experienced and observed – caught in the wild; whereas, the Major Premises of Materialism and Naturalism have not.

Psyche is the Ultimate Cause, meaning that Psyche is the ultimate causal agent and Psyche is the fundamental unit of reality.  We know that this must be true because Materialism and Naturalism are demonstrably false.  We know that Psyche as the Ultimate Cause must be true because Quantum Mechanics teaches us that some kind of non-local consciousness must exist in order for physical matter to be brought into existence in the first place.  We know that Psyche is the Ultimate Cause and that non-local consciousness truly exists because all of the empirical evidence from NDEs, SDEs, and OBEs tells us that it is so.  ALL of the evidence that we have tells us that Materialism is false and that Psyche or Syntropy is real and truly exists.

Psyche has always existed as the Ultimate Cause just waiting for one of us to come along and give it a formal name and a role in causality.

Ask yourself, “What was there before the first particle of physical matter was designed, created, and brought into existence?”

We were!

Our non-local consciousness or psyche was there before the first particle of physical matter was brought into existence.  Quantum Mechanics tells us that this is so because Quantum Mechanics tells us that psyche or non-local consciousness is a necessary prerequisite in order to bring physical matter into existence.

I’m going with the Science and the Empirical Evidence on this one, and not the materialistic philosophy and the wishful thinking of the Atheists.  Now you know why I’m no longer a Materialist and no longer an Atheist.  I know better now.

Mark My Words



The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause